The IATEFL conference opens on April 1st, so it's exactly two months away. This will be my first IATEFL conference, and I'm looking forward to it. The photograph of Cardiff Castle is one I took twenty years ago on my last visit to Cardiff. I've been through the city many times by train, but haven't usually stopped to explore the city. I'm hoping the weather will be as good as it was when this photo was taken; unfortunately, Wales is known for its rain. I know all about the rain having spent three years in South Wales as an undergrad!
I'm hoping that some others in this EVO course will also be going to the conference in Cardiff, and that we can share this blog to learn a little about each other and plan to meet face-to-face once we're in Cardiff.
When I went to the TESOL conference in Seattle two years ago, we had a
Seattle blog that was a lot of fun. We posted photos from the conference, the city, meals together, etc. Let's share our thoughts, impressions and photos of this conference with our colleagues who aren't fortunate enough to attend in person.
Hi Veronica!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this invitation. You have a wonderful blog here, I became a follower to keep myself informed of your learning adventures. I was very impressed by your response to the readings. It's always awesome to see how a reading can shift our views.
Besos. Maru
Hi Veronica,
ReplyDeleteI was interested to read you post about the year's IATEFL Concerence in Cardiff and I wanted to give you an update:
Online conference coverage of the 43rd IATEFL Conference
The Cardiff Online website is now live at:
The Cardiff Online website allows remote participants to take part in one of the world's biggest ELT conferences through a variety of resources including:
- Video recordings of selected sessions
- Audio recordings of selected sessions
- Live streamed plenaries and events
- Moderated special interest discussion forums
- Chat sessions
- Blogs and photo albums
We'd like to encourage ELT bloggers and Teacher Associations around the world to carry a link to Cardiff Online on their TA website or blog so we can spread the message and encourage more people to take part in Cardiff Online.
If you're interested in helping us spread the word, go to
Thanks and hope to meet you in Cardiff & see you on the Cardiff Online website.
Julian Wing
British Council Cardiff Online Project Manager